Real Friends, Unit pop-punk asal Ilinois, baru aja mengumumkan tentang penandatanganan kontrak dengan label baru mereka Pure Noise Records. Bukan cuma itu, mereka juga mengumumkan hadirnya vokalis baru mereka, Cody Muraro, mantan personel Youth Fountain, unit emo/pop-punk asal Vancouver, Canada.
Bukan cuma itu, buah dari rejuvenate yang dilakukan Real Friends adalah lahirnya dua single baru “Nervous Wreck” dan “Storyteller”. Salah satu single mereka, “Nervous Wreck” mengingatkan kita pada sentimen lirik, dan kecemasan yang terjadi pada penulisan lirik musik mereka sebelumnya, ditambah Muraro sebagai vokalis baru mereka yang menyempurnakan lagu ini.
Mengutip dari Upset Magazine, menurut sang bassist, Kyle Fasel, “Nervous Wreck” terinspirasi oleh keterasingan yang dirinya alami selama setahun terakhir. Sebelum COVID melanda, ia membuat langkah untuk keluar dari dirinya yang introvert. Kyle merasa begitu tertutup sehingga beberapa orang menilai salah tentang dirinya. Ironisnya pada kenyataannya, dirinya merasa memiliki beberapa kecemasan sosial seiring bertambahnya usia.
“The lyrics of the song point to me being out of my own skin when around other people, and even feeling out of place when I’m by myself. There’s not really a resolution to the song. It’s very much about being in the midst of all those complicated feelings. Having a new singer in the mix can be a hard challenge to overcome, but Nervous Wreck still fully embodies the spirit of Real Friends. It fits Cody’s voice perfectly. I remember recording it and thinking this is exactly what Real Friends is. This track is very special to me.”
Kyle Fasel
Muraro menggantikan posisi Dan Lambton yang meninggalkan Real Friends sejak tahun lalu. Kala itu, Lambton merasa sudah nggak menemukan kecocokan di kubu Real Friends, dirinya merasa arah visi misi mereka sudah nggak sejalan.
Real Friends terus bergerak meski tanpa Lambton, pada akhirnya beberapa waktu lalu mereka memilih Curaro sebagai garda depan baru Real Friends, seraya mereka mengumumkan line up teranyar mereka.
“When the world came to a stop last year, we made the choice amidst the uncertainty that we’d use the time to figure out what the next chapter of Real Friends would be. Cody joined the band in the Spring of 2020, and ever since then we’ve been constantly writing, recording, refining, and planning for this day. It honestly feels like a dream to share this with all of you. Words cannot express what we’re truly feeling right now. Thank you for being a part of this. With that being said, give a very warm welcome to our vocalist – Cody Muraro. He is like a brother to us. We’re so grateful to officially call him a member of the band. This is a new era, but the spirit of Real Friends is still very much the same as it’s always been. We want our songs to help you. We want our songs to make you feel less alone, or at least a little more understood. I’m happy to say that we’re just getting started.”
Kyle, Dave, Brian, Eric and Cody